St. Mary's Seminary & University

Dr. Michael J. Gorman

Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology

B.A., Gordon College
M.Div., Ph.D. Princeton Theological Seminary

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Professor Michael J. Gorman (Mike) has held the Raymond E. Brown Chair in Biblical Studies and Theology since 2012. He has taught at St. Mary’s since 1991, first in St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute and then, beginning in 1993, in both the Ecumenical Institute and the Seminary (School of Theology). From 1994 to 2012 he served as Dean of St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute.

Dr. Gorman is a New Testament scholar who specializes in the theology and spirituality of the apostle Paul, the Gospel of John, the book of Revelation, and the theological and missional interpretation of Scripture. He is the author of nearly twenty books and numerous articles, including several volumes on Paul as well as works on Revelation, John, the atonement, Christian ethics, and biblical interpretation more generally. His most recent book is 1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary (Eerdmans, 2025). He is currently working on John, the Pauline Gospel? Paul and John in Sync (Baker Academic) and Philippians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary (Eerdmans).

Dr. Gorman earned his M.Div. and Ph.D. at Princeton Theological Seminary. He has lectured and taught in both Catholic and Protestant churches, colleges, and seminaries throughout the United States and at institutions in several other countries, including Canada, England, Scotland, New Zealand, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Cameroon. In 2009 he was Visiting Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, and in 2016 he gave the Didsbury Lectures in England as well as the Payton Lectures at Fuller Seminary. Dr. Gorman is an elected member of the international Society for New Testament Studies, and he is on the editorial board of The Journal of Theological Interpretation. In 2020, he was honored with a Festschrift (collection of essays by other scholars) entitled Cruciform Scripture: Cross, Participation, and Mission. The title captures the heart of his approach to interpreting and teaching the New Testament theologically.

Dr. Gorman is an avid traveler who has led numerous study trips to Turkey, Greece, Italy, and France. An active United Methodist layperson, he is married to Nancy; they have three children and eight grandchildren. For more than three decades the Gormans have hosted an ecumenical Bible study and prayer group in their home. Their elder son, Rev. Dr. Mark Gorman, is a theologian and a member of the St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute faculty. Occasionally Dr. Gorman and Dr. Gorman team-teach a course. Their other two children are Ecumenical Institute alums.

Selected Courses Taught

  • Pauline Epistles
  • Romans: Paul’s Gospel Then and Now
  • Currents in Pauline Theology
  • The Book of Revelation and its Interpreters
  • Reading Scripture

Service to the Church

  • Instructor, permanent deaconate program, Archdiocese of Baltimore
  • Guest speaker at adult education classes and retreats at various parishes and churches, and teacher for adult formation in his own church
  • Essayist for magazines for lay people and clergy
  • Visiting professor at Our Lady of Hope Major Seminary, Bertoua, Cameroon; Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC; Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Carey Baptist Theological College, Auckland, New Zealand; Shalom University, Bunia, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Founding President and Chair of the Board of Directors, Koinonia Cameroon, Inc., 2014-19

Selected Publications

  • 1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary (Eerdmans, 2025).
  • Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary (Eerdmans, 2022; Spanish translation in print)
  • Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers, 3rd ed. (Baker Academic, 2020 [orig. 2001]; Korean and Portuguese translations in print)
  • Participating in Christ: Explorations in Paul’s Theology and Spirituality (Baker Academic, 2019)
  • Abide and Go: Missional Theosis in the Gospel of John (Cascade, 2018; Korean translation in print)
  • Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul and His Letters, 2nd ed. (Eerdmans, 2017 [orig. 2001]; Spanish and Korean translations in print)
  • Scripture and its Interpretation: A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible (editor; Baker Academic, 2017)
  • Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission (Eerdmans, 2015; Korean translation in print)
  • The Death of the Messiah and the Birth of the New Covenant: A (Not So) New Model of the Atonement (Cascade, 2014; Korean translation in print)
  • Reading Revelation Responsibly; Uncivil Worship and Witness; Following the Lamb into the New Creation (Cascade, 2011; Korean and Portuguese translations in print)
  • Inhabiting the Cruciform God: Kenosis, Justification, and Theosis in Paul’s Narrative Soteriology (Eerdmans, 2009)
  • Reading Paul (Cascade/Paternoster, 2008)
  • Cruciformity: Paul’s Narrative Spirituality of the Cross (Eerdmans, 2001; 20th anniversary ed., 2021; Korean translation in print)
  • Abortion and the Early Church: Christian, Jewish and Pagan Attitudes in the Greco Roman World (repr. Wipf and Stock, 1998; orig. InterVarsity and Paulist, 1982)
  • “Teaching Scripture in a Catholic Seminary,” with Paul Maillet, P.S.S. and Rebecca Hancock, Seminary Journal 21/1 (Spring 2023): 49–67

Online Resources

Recommended Reading

  • Augustine, Confessions
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer, [The Cost of] Discipleship
  • N. T. Wright (anything)
  • Richard B. Hays, The Moral Vision of the New Testament; Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels
  • Laura Reece Hogan, I Live, No Longer I: Paul’s Spirituality of Suffering, Transformation, and Joy

A Favorite Quotation

I have been co-crucified with the Messiah; and it is no longer I who live, but it is the Messiah who lives in me. And the life I do now live in this flesh I live by virtue of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me by giving himself for me. – St. Paul, Galatians 2:19b-20 (my translation)