St. Mary's Seminary & University

Book Lists Fall 2024

Historical Studies

HS 500 Ancient and Medieval Church History (Castillo)

HS 500-Ancient-Medieval-Christianity

HS 570 Ancient and Medieval Church History (Castillo)

HS 570-American-Catholicism

Moral & Spirituality Studies

MS 571 Medical Ethics (Jaskowak)

MS571 Medical Ethics

MS 501 Catholic Social Ethics (Jaskowak)

MS501 Catholic Social Ethics


Pastoral Studies

PS 503 Canon Law I (Hansen)

PS503 Canon Law I

PS 512 Preaching from the Lectionary (McCormack)

PS512 Preaching through the Lectionary

PS 530 Pastoral Care & Practice I (Roth)

PS530 Pastoral Care & Practice I

PS 540 Pastor as Catechist (Fosarelli)

PS540 Pastor as Catechist

Systematic-Liturgical Studies

SL 502 Ecclesiology (Hansen)

SL502 Ecclesiology

SL 503 Theological Anthropology (M. Dugandzic)

SL503 Theological Anthropology

SL 505 Theology of the Eucharist (Nguyen)

SL505 Theology of Eucharist

SL 507 Doctrine of God (Aspray)

SL507 Doctrine of God

SL 511 Introduction to Liturgy (1.5) (Starke)

SL511 Introduction to Liturgy

SL 552 Patristics (1.5) (Laytham)

SL552 Patristics

SL 553 Patristic Theology (Laytham)

SL553 Patristic Theology (3cr)

SL 554 Marian Theology & Spirituality (1.5) (Starke)

SL554 Marian Theology

SL 555 Eschatology (1.5) (Starke)
SL555 Eschatology

Sacred Scripture

SS 520 Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and Revelation (Burton)

SS520 Acts,The Catholic Epistles & Revelation

SS 503 The Gospel of John (Maillet)

SS503 Gospel of John

SS 504 The Bible in the Church (1.5) (Burton)

SS504 The Bible in the Church

SS 530 Prophetic Literature (Maillet)

SS530 Prophetic Literature

Pre-Theology Studies and Languages

BL 201 Ecclesiastical Latin I (Buskirk)

BL201 Latin I

BL/BS 611 Biblical Hebrew I (Maillet)

BL611 Hebrew I

HUMS 203 Sacred Art, Architecture, and Music (Smith and Podles)

HUMS203 Sacred Art, Architecture and Music

HUMS 204 Sources of American Culture I (1.5) (A. Dugandzic)

HUMS 204 Sources of American Culture I

PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophical Argumentation (Macias)

PHIL100 Philosophical Argumentation

PHIL 204 Metaphysics (McAllister)

PHIL204 Metaphysics

PHIL205 Philosophical Ethics

PHIL 205 Philosophical Ethics Updated

PHIL 301 Ancient Philosophy (McAllister)

PHIL301 Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 303 Modern Philosophy (Gonzales)


PHIL 305 Epistemology (McAllister)

PHIL305 Epistemology

PHIL 307 Philosophy of Nature (Macias)

PHIL307 Philosophy of Nature


BS690 Readings in Biblical Greek (Gorman)

BS690 Readings in Biblical Greek

BS733 Romans: Paul’s Gospel Then & Now (Gorman)

BS733 Romans-Paul’s Gospel Then and Now

MUSC 504 Music and the Voice (Miller)

MUSC 504

SL 792 Contemporary Liturgical Spirituality (Starke)

SL792 Contemporary Liturgical Spirituality

MS 892 Dignitatis Humanae and the Church’s Teaching on Religious Freedom (Billy)

MS892 Religious Freedom